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Class Participation Waiver 
Are you (or your child) experiencing any COVID-19 or flu symptoms?
By clicking/tapping/touching/selecting or otherwise interacting with the "Submit" button below, you are consenting to signing this Document electronically. You agree your electronic signature ("E-Signature") is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this Document. You consent to be legally bound by this Document's agreement(s), acknowledgement(s), policy(ies), disclosure(s), consent term(s) and condition(s). You consent to be legally bound by BrandBot’s terms of service, available at You agree that no certification authority or other third-party verification is necessary to validate your E-Signature and that the lack of such certification or third-party verification will not in any way affect the enforceability of your E-Signature. You may request a paper version of an electronic record by writing to us. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for the production and mailing of a paper version of the record. Your current valid email is required for all communications.
I have read the terms and use, I understand it completely, I understand that it affects my legal rights to the full extent of the law, and I agree to be bound by its terms.
By signing, I acknowledge that I understand that I am entitled to have an attorney of my own choosing to review this release prior to signing. I have read the foregoing release in its entirety and understand that I am signing a complete and perpetual release and bar to any and all claims of negligence as defined above resulting from my participation in the activities described above.

Thanks for submitting!

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